Passionate Interior Architectural


All I do is made with love.

The passion for work has given me the opportunity to travel and live in various countries of the world, practicing my entrepreneurship of Internal Architect and Designer.

2018-2020, creation of Karladesign brand, A.KA.CHA AG in Wangen – Zurich, Switzerland with their diffferent brands and activities. akacha.ch/ Karladesign.ch/ Karlacontract.com/ Akachadigital.ch/ mabosfloor.ch/ mojow-mobiliers.ch and karlachacon.ch.
Fine to 2017, entrepreneur with international experience in companies in the quality of co-founder.
2006-2017, Architettura & artDesign A+AD SAGL in Melide – Lugano, Switzerland.
It has matured experiences in processes in developing architectural and design projects at an international level.
My love for the research of new technologies and their ancient knowledge, I always have the strength of my profession.
My diversity, my flexibility, and my ability to live and work in multicultural environments have my company’s personality as an entrepreneur.
The foundations of my professional development are revolutionary to an approach to the Interior Design by creating innovative projects, energetic and colorful products.

The services are characterized by: “RECONNEXION”,“The human being at the center of the space”

The products  are oriented to: “REGENERATION”, “The re-qualifies and transformation of space.”

Karla Chacon (Best Interior Designer and Architect)


2017-2019 | SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland COOPERATION ET DEVELOPEMENT INTERNATIONAL
2014-2015 | Geobiology studies with Mario Mineo geobiologist – Fribourg, Switzerland.
2012-2015 | SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. EMBA EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
2012-2012 |Master Dr. Lim Qi Mag Institut China – FSC DIPLOME – Feng Shui Consultant
2010-2011 | Master Raymond Lo studies – Feng Shui and Chinese metaphisics consutant- Hong Kong.
1992-1996 | INSAAC Institut National Supérieur des Arts
INTERIOR DESIGNER DEGREE D.H.E.S. – Interior Architecture
Karla chacon Architect interior designer


English – French – Italian – Spanish

Volunteer Experience

Karla chacon Architect interior designer Zurich
The Swisslanka Cultural Center – Architectural Project Manager
THE LAMA GANGCHEN INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION ITAL Art&Culture-Advice on building resistance after seismic issues to avoid building demolition by the government. Building designed by our company NORDSUD architettura in 2008.

Honors & Awards

L’immeuble du Ministere des Eaux et Forets, de la Peche, du Reboisement Charge de l’Enviorennement et de la Protection de la Nature inaugure le 28 Decembre 2001, a ètà realise dans le cadre de la Plitique de Refondation prescrite au Gouvernement de la Republique.
Cet edifice favorisera en son sein: Concorde et productiviete Optimale des Agents.
L’obligation civique nous impose d’en assurer le bon usage et l’entretine pour une meilleure conservation du patrimoine de l’Etat.
Monsieur le president de la Republique Chef de l’Etat
Karla chacon Architect interior designer

History of the works – Architecture and Art design


1999 | Banque Internationale pour le commerce et l'industrie du Gabon-Groupe BNP:

Construciton of a bank branch (3000 m2)

2002 | Guinee Equatioriale - Villa Ministerielle:

Villa of reception V.I.P. 600 m2

2000 | Bureaux Finatra - Assinco - Compagnie du Komo:

Restructuring of a set of offices for three companies – Bank subsidiary, insurance company and financial holding company (2000 m2)

2001 | Complexe Hotelier de Luxe - Hotel Dialogue:

Project comprising 80 rooms, 10 rooms apartments, 10 ministerial suites and 7 presidential suites

2000 | Office des postes et telecommunications, Gabon:

-Central Telefonie and Commercial Agency (2500 m2) -Offices of neighborhood posts -Business Agency (1500 m2)

2006 | Hotel Paseo a Bata:

Hotel Project Include Suites, Restaurants, Services and Shops

2000 | Le Gabon, Ministere des Eaux et forets, de la peche du reboisement charge de l'environnement et de la protection de la nature:

Construction of the Ministry: 10500 m2 of offices, auditorium, cafeteria and library

2010 | Liban, Villa Residentielle Beirut

Project e design and development

2015 | Cuba, Projet el Rincon del Cristo Casablanca La Habana Cuba

Design, Projectation, Conceptdesign, normative

2006 | India, Shiwa Hotel

Project of a hotel of 60 rooms. Bangalore

2015-2018 | Vietnam - Thailande, Creation of silk textile products Brand Karladesign

Real estate project with all phases of design up to the Interior Design for 6 buildings R + 3 for use abitation, rental offices and building annexes. Concept of a luxury residence for families who wish to live in a secure complex with fully equipped apartments. Having as service a gym, pool, party room or meetings.

2009 | Qatar, Project A.D. Dawhah Qatar Watches Project

Architectural competitions. The main objective of this project was to create an ICONE building which represents the city of Daha in the world. Create an International Convention Center and a Shopping Center for Luxury Goods for the Arab and Muslim World. Project create with the inventor of the clock that shows the direction of Mecca for the Muslim world. Collaboration with specialists in Islamic culture.

2018-2020 | Zurich, Switzerland Different brands creations and projects.

2016-2017 | Sri Lanka, Centre Culturel Swiss Lanka - Katana, Negambo

2 existing buildings, composed of 16 double rooms, a library, an office, a kitchen refectory, a building to organize different workshops and a villa of reception

2015-2017 | Burkina Faso, Siege de la Banque Coris

Concept design of the headquarters of Banque Coris R + 8. Construction of 12000 m2 in a plot of 3456m2 for parks and car parks